Moongathering: Oracular Astrology with Shannon Aganza

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Focus: Divine Flow

During this Moon, we have an opportunity to break through previously stifled emotions and sabotage “default” thoughts….Sweet relief is offered when we move forward … and find that place of loving forgiveness for ourselves and others.

A lot is asked of us this Moon cycle with Venus, Mars, and Pluto all joined in Capricorn. Venus is summoning the courage to pass through her fears as she crosses the Pluto threshold AND the degree she began her retrograde in Dec…so issues you’ve gone “underground” with these last few months will soon come into the Light…

We have an opportunity to truly shift old fears by facing them head on with loving, compassionate Jupiter in Pisces at our side, infusing this NewMoon with HOPE…

To hear an in-depth translation of this moon check out this podcast where my friend astrologer @spencermichaud and I break down the deeper undertones of this moon’s mood on his YouTube channel


Video: @ryanpernofski
Music: @ohwondermusic
🙏🏼 @nowness