Reconnect with the core elements fire, earth, air, and water to spark and balance your surroundings

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Cosmic energies are not so forgiving to chaotic spaces.

This course is designed to help you develop a spiritual hygiene routine, so that it becomes as integrated into your daily life as brushing your teeth! You will learn how to work with the elements to clear physical space as well as personal energies.

Topics Covered in this Workshop


Read Your Space

Techniques to read the energies of your space. Connecting with your higher self and clearing your own fields

Elemental Clearing

Techniques to clear the energies of your space/self with the elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water).

Crystal Clear

Utilizing the energies of crystals in your space and how to program them and utilize their high vibrational frequencies..

Bagua Map Foundations

Like the astrology chart of your home/space and how to use it.
